Finding Resources

Whilst home schooling is a hot topic right now, it’s important to know where you can source good, free resources to assist with your child’s learning whether you’re home schooling or not.

free online learning materials

Knowing where to find free access to useful learning materials is a really helpful for the current pandemic as a lot of parents are having to home school, but also for when students go back to school, it’s a great way to keep track of their learning and what they are and are not confident with in each subject.

  1. For children aged from 4-11, Oxford Owl is a great free online resource, that offers activities with questions and answers.

  2. BBC bitesize is an amazing resource for children of all ages, with activities such as multiple choice options and a wealth of information to help your child get to grips with the topics they are learning at school.

  3. AQA offers a platform where you can search by subject and qualification to find past papers with answers so your child can practice real life exam questions to improve their technique and it is also a great way to revise!

  4. Lightbox IQQ does also have a wealth of resources we use to tutor our students, so if you would like to contact us for your free, no obligation initial assessment click here.