Years 7 - 9
Years 7 to 9
The first years at senior school which lead up to your GCSE years, is when your child will be put into sets to decide whether they will take the higher or foundation papers. The groundwork for GCSEs is covered during these essential years.
Help moving up to a higher set
For students in years 7 to 9 we are here to help in any problem areas to ensure you are getting top grades, and if you are in lower sets, we will work with you, your family and the school to move you up to sets that will ensure you sit higher papers wherever possible.
Families and Individuals are Welcome
If you need help improving your English, families and individuals are welcome to phone to arrange to come and visit the centre to see if you would enjoy studying with us.
These years are incredibly important to prepare for GCSE’s in years 10 and 11, so beginning to focus on topics such as maths, English and science are going to give you a head start for when you come to doing your exams later on in your school life.
Also we will work on making sure you are aware of the main themes in your chosen plays and novels, ensuring you have a grasp of grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, collocations, and the language used for different styles of writing with practice at past papers.
Supportive Group of 2 to 4
Why not phone to arrange an informal consultation with a view to studying in a small supportive group of 2 to 4.
You will have the opportunity to cover all the main topics with past paper questions in topic order as well as general past papers.
Group work can be supplemented with short one to one sessions for any particularly difficult topics that need the extra support outside the group.
As well as this we will show you how to revise your maths provide you with an abundance of tests, quizzes and past papers to work through, so you are prepared to pass your exams with confidence.
Our Resources, Textbooks and Online Resources.
We have a six tier in-house system comprising learning, revising, applications, further testing with in depth quizzes and past paper practice. We will recommend the best textbooks to read and revise from, which cover the topic in enough depth for you to attain high grades.
Lessons in science involve practice at past paper questions, going through topics students find tricky, in small groups you can choose which areas you wish to concentrate on from a list available with a schedule set ensuring you cover all topics before the exam.
Additional revision information is available to help ensure you have covered everything needed. For those studying separate sciences we will concentrate on those topics covered in the last units, which tend to be the most demanding.